Brand Codes Combine Casual Wear Spring Summer 2011 Advertising

Codes Combine is a famous brand under the company YESHIN PERSONS. It combines fashion styles with individual styles to create a new combination. It is an inherent style and conforms to pragmatic values ​​and reasonable prices. A combination of high use value.

Codes Combine is a famous brand under the company YESHIN PERSONS. It combines fashion styles with individual styles to create a new combination. It is an inherent style and conforms to pragmatic values ​​and reasonable prices. A combination of high use value.

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Printed Warp Knitted Microfiber Towels are 100% Microfiber Material Knitted or 100% Polyester Material with Warp Knitted, the Pattern are Printed Based on the Customers' Required, the Weight Range for the Cloth is about 190gsm-330gsm. The Size Can be OEM Produced Based on Customers' Requirements. It is Widely Used for Home Cleaning, Car Cleaning and Other Cleaning Item. Edge Sewing Can be High Elastic Silk and Ordinary Silk. Logo Fixed is Okay for Printed Warp Knitted Microfiber Towels of Warp Knitted

Printed Warp Knitted Microfiber Towel

Microfiber Towels, Warp Knitted Towels, Printed Towels, Warp Knitted with Printing Microfiber Towels, OEM Produced Printed Towel

Yuanshi County Zhengheng Textile Co., Ltd. ,